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In order, here are the pictures -- Up front in church were children and youth celebrating the end of the Sunday School year (until we return in September).  Three pictures of the Keri, Caeden and Nick drumming at a service.  Stanhope Boro Clean-up Day with church volunteers, Easter Day (five in a row),the Good Friday Cross walk, entering St. Michael RC Church.  The cross walk began at our church -- here is Rev. Matlack and Carol Barry, piper.  Then -- the front of the church, at 100 Main Street, Stanhope.  Our sanctuary at Easter, with the choir singing.  Hugh Matlack, having climbed up the CE Building roof to check out our new solar panels.  The communion table again on Easter Day.  The last picture below is the re-building of the Toft house in Joplin, Missouri -- our prayer partners.