We all enjoyed an inspirational time of worship last Sunday as Pam Osborne led her first service with us, and then she traveled to Andover Presbyterian. A new start for all! Congratulations Pam!
Other changes for our church this week:
We are very happy to announce that Dylan Jacobson has been hired as our new office secretary and will begin on Tuesday, September 17th. Many thanks to Ruth Stewart for volunteering to help us in the interim, and thanks to Sam Bream and Janet Zeas for their assistance in the transitions.
We are also happy to announce that Chris Amella has started a new full-time position as office secretary at Hopatcong High School, which she has wanted for a long time. Congrats Chris! Personnel is also happy to announce that AJ Amella has been hired to replace Chris as our custodian. Chris has been working with AJ this summer so he understands the responsibilities so it will be a smooth transfer.
So – many new changes of personnel this week! Exciting for all of us as we venture together into the future.
Looking Ahead:
Sunday, September 29 -9:00am -Worship, 3:00pm – Pam Osborne’s Ordination with a coffee hour fellowship celebration afterwards in the upper CE.
Should you not be able to attend services, we encourage you to join us online using the Facebook link:
-> Please check Church Phone & Website every week for updates
-> GIVING is greatly needed at this time to pay for on-going expenses. PLEASE CONTINUE in your generous spirit. To give - Go to the Tab "On-Line Giving" on our Website http://www.fpcstanhope.org/ Or MAIL IN Pledges.
If you have a pastoral emergency, leave a message at the church office (973.347.5142)
Other announcements -- of on-going ministry and mission:
Our website fpcstanhope.org has current church information on the life of the church. On-line giving is available – click the tab on the left and follow the directions to a secure website managed by the Presbyterian Foundation.
If you have a prayer request for the prayer chain, then contact Barbara Frank – 973.398.3154 / bschimpf13@hotmail.com
The flowers on Sunday morning are now $15.00 / one arrangement or $25.00 / two arrangements. Please sign up on the flower calendar and fill out a form on the vestibule table. Questions? Call the church office, 973.347.5142
We go to Manna House on the fourth Mondays to help serve the homeless and hungry in the Newton area. If you can help, contact Carol Barry or Lisa Davenport.
PW is knitting blankets for those in need. Contact Carol Barry for guidelines about participating. Knitting or crocheting is required. Carol’s contact info is 973.347.4551 or lakefront70@aol.com
If you buy gift cards from Great Lakes Scrip Program, the church earns money from each card you purchase. The amount you buy is the amount you get to spend. You may buy cards for prominent retailers by writing a check to the church and giving it to Cris Bream or by signing up at www.shopwithscrip.com Our church’s code is FC1C2471398L8