Mission Statement
Current News
Sunday Service
Press Release
Online Giving
Food Pantry
Legacy Giving
Sunday School
Staff / employees
Church Banners
Men's Group
Manna House
Who we are in pictures
Weather Closings
Painting During Service

Dear Members and Friends,

Thanks to Dom Amella and Bonnie Reed for a great trumpet duet, Polka Brillante – a duo of a wonderful teacher and an accomplished student! We are so blessed with God-given talents of all kinds.

Kas Bream announced that there are flyers available to advertise our spaghetti dinner, as well as other flyers which ask for donations from local businesses to offset our initial costs. Anyone able to use both or either flyer, please take them from the vestibule. Thank you!

The donations to the Deacon’s Purse were very generous - $125. Thanks to all!

Food Pantry Update: We’ve had a recent uptick in food pantry use here at the church. We hope you’ll continue to watch for sales and add an extra item to your grocery cart when you’re able. Peanut butter, jelly, cereal, pasta and pasta sauce are among the fastest-moving items, but all donations are welcome. Jim Gardner can answer any questions you might have.

Cantata Rehearsals have begun on Wednesdays at 6:30pm and after worship on Sunday mornings in preparation to perform Joseph M. Martin’s The Lenten Sketches on Good Friday, April 18th, at 7:00pm.

Bible Study: A Tuesday evening Lenten Bible study on the Psalms will begin on March 18th at 6:30pm. We’ll be loosely following a book by Elizabeth Caldwell called Pause, Spending Lent With the Psalms. You absolutely do not need to own the book to participate, but if you’d like a copy, it is available at many online retailers and can be ordered to local bookstores. We meet in the lower CE classroom used by PW and Scouts.

Looking Forward:

Sunday, March 9 – Remember to spring your clocks ahead! 9:00am Worship, 12:30pm Confirmation Class

Tuesday, March 18 – 6:30pm, Lenten Bible Study on the Psalms

Saturday, April 5 – Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser (4:30pm – 7:00pm)

Pastor Pam will have regular office hours Tuesdays from 10:00am – 6:00pm and Wednesdays from 12:00pm – 6:30pm throughout the season of Lent. She is available for appointments at other times, too, including Mondays and Thursdays when she will otherwise be working remotely. She can be reached at pastor.pam.osborne@gmail.com or by calling the church office. Should you have a pastoral emergency, please use her cell phone number: 862-239-3501.

The Church Secretary, Dylan Jacobson, is present at the church between 9:00am – 12:00pm, Monday – Friday.


Should you not be able to attend services, we encourage you to join us online using the Facebook link:

 https://facebook.com/107154024348613.  We will go live just before 9:00 am, and post the service afterward.

-> Please check Church Phone & Website every week for updates 


-> GIVING is greatly needed at this time to pay for on-going expenses. PLEASE CONTINUE in your generous spirit.  To give - Go to the Tab "On-Line Giving" on our Website http://www.fpcstanhope.org/     Or MAIL IN Pledges.

If you have a pastoral emergency, leave a message at the church office (973.347.5142)

Other announcements -- of on-going ministry and mission:

Our website fpcstanhope.org has current church information on the life of the church. On-line giving is available – click the tab on the left and follow the directions to a secure website managed by the Presbyterian Foundation.

If you have a prayer request for the prayer chain, then contact Barbara Frank – 973.398.3154 / bschimpf13@hotmail.com

The flowers on Sunday morning are now $15.00 / one arrangement or $25.00 / two arrangements. Please sign up on the flower calendar and fill out a form on the vestibule table. Questions? Call the church office, 973.347.5142

We go to Manna House on the fourth Mondays to help serve the homeless and hungry in the Newton area. If you can help, contact Carol Barry or Lisa Davenport.

PW is knitting blankets for those in need. Contact Carol Barry for guidelines about participating. Knitting or crocheting is required. Carol’s contact info is 973.347.4551 or lakefront70@aol.com

If you buy gift cards from Great Lakes Scrip Program, the church earns money from each card you purchase. The amount you buy is the amount you get to spend. You may buy cards for prominent retailers by writing a check to the church and giving it to Cris Bream or by signing up at www.shopwithscrip.com Our church’s code is FC1C2471398L8